Monday, December 19, 2011

China Wow - 2011/12/09 - Mainlanders Giving Birth in Hong Kong

Dec. 9, Fri.

Competition for Hong Kong-born Babies

Expecting mothers from mainland China are flooding into Hong Kong to give birth with hopes of giving their child a better future. Chinese citizens born in Hong Kong are given permanent residency in the district and become eligible for social welfare services provided by the Hong Kong government. But the sudden surge in childbirths means fierce competition for limited hospital beds. Some mainland women are calling ambulances and giving birth in emergency rooms. Brokers are now charging extravagant amounts of money to secure hospital beds, further fueling competition. This episode of China Wow! follows families who are struggling in this chaotic baby boom.

Download: China Wow - Mainlanders Giving Birth in Hong Kong.mkv

 Dropped video frames
   Found average frame timing of 32.67 ms
       Line     Duration (ms)    Time window
        438          100         0:00:14.500 -> 0:00:14.600
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       6487           67         0:03:36.300 -> 0:03:36.367
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      11752          100         0:06:31.934 -> 0:06:32.034
      17350          100         0:09:38.600 -> 0:09:38.700
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      19507           67         0:10:50.667 -> 0:10:50.734
      24933           67         0:13:51.567 -> 0:13:51.634
      26932           66         0:14:58.234 -> 0:14:58.300
      28377           66         0:15:46.434 -> 0:15:46.500
      28418          100         0:15:47.834 -> 0:15:47.934
      32768           67         0:18:12.900 -> 0:18:12.967
      36965           66         0:20:32.834 -> 0:20:32.900
      43919           67         0:24:24.667 -> 0:24:24.734
      44098           67         0:24:30.667 -> 0:24:30.734
      44805           67         0:24:54.267 -> 0:24:54.334
      45164           67         0:25:06.267 -> 0:25:06.334
 Total frames: 50386

Thanks for the comments!

1 comment:

  1. can you please re-post the file? the link is dead~~ many thanks ~~


I can't re-post files, sorry. The exception is files that are less than a day old. All mediafire links are broken forever. If you ask nicely and show that you tried but couldn't find the file elsewhere, someone may share it again.