Sunday, July 29, 2012

Posts are delayed due to a technical issue

There's a backlog of shows that I haven't been able to post because I am waiting for post-by-email to be fixed. Hopefully it will be fixed by Monday or Tuesday. If not I will have to post the backlog manually, which I was hoping to avoid since it takes extra time & effort.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tokyo Fashion Express - 2012/07/16

Cool Japan - 2012/07/14 - Gotochi

Sports Japan - 2012/07/15

Itadakimasu - 2012/07/16 - Country-style Miso-flavored Eggplant

Satoyama - Wild grass preserved with woven baskets

Festivals of the Orient - Snake Boat Race, India

World Heritage Wonders - Yakushima

Inspiring Landscapes - Cape Ochi-ishi, Hokkaido

TOMORROW beyond 3.11 - 2012/07/16

Satoyama - Winter rice paddies where geese gather

At Home with Venetia in Kyoto - 2012/07/17 - A Rainy Season Respite

Thursday, July 12, 2012

No Begin Japanology this week 2012/07/12

It looks like it is not being streamed this week due to licensing issues or whatnot, which isn't surprising considering that it probably contains clips of professional league games.

Edit: Anonymous readers of this blog have downloaded the episode from a torrent and generously uploaded it to filehosts to benefit everyone. You can get the links and info here:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Journeys in Japan - 2012/07/10 - Sapporo

Tokyo Fashion Express - 2012/07/09

Today's Close-up - 2012/07/09

March to Recovery - 2012/07/08

Somewhere Street - 2012/07/06 - Alberobello, Italia

Japan 7 Days - 2012/07/06

J-Melo - 2012/07/09

Extreme Japan - Odaigahara

Cool Japan - 2012/07/07 - Akihabara