Sunday, December 25, 2011

Itadakimasu - One Soup, Three Dishes

Host: Shelly, Featuring Rika Yukimasa
Niku-jaga Beef and Potato Stew
Three Namul Salad
Clam and Tofu Soup
Sweet Omelette Rolls

Download: - One Soup, Three Dishes.mkv

 Dropped video frames
   Found average frame timing of 33.33 ms
       Line     Duration (ms)    Time window
        688           67         0:00:22.900 -> 0:00:22.967
       6981           67         0:03:52.700 -> 0:03:52.767
       8647           66         0:04:48.267 -> 0:04:48.333
      10039          100         0:05:34.700 -> 0:05:34.800
      11417           67         0:06:20.700 -> 0:06:20.767
      19925          100         0:11:04.333 -> 0:11:04.433
      28639          133         0:15:54.867 -> 0:15:55.000
      29993           67         0:16:40.100 -> 0:16:40.167
      31272           66         0:17:22.767 -> 0:17:22.833
      34730           66         0:19:18.067 -> 0:19:18.133
      42731          100         0:23:44.800 -> 0:23:44.900
      46621           67         0:25:54.533 -> 0:25:54.600
 Total frames: 50368

Thanks for the comments!


  1. Hello, the link doesn't work anymore.

  2. Link active & make an effort to search for files.


I can't re-post files, sorry. The exception is files that are less than a day old. All mediafire links are broken forever. If you ask nicely and show that you tried but couldn't find the file elsewhere, someone may share it again.