Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mapping Kyoto Streets

Feb. 16, Thu. 2012

Feb. 17, Fri.
3:30/ 7:30/ 11:30/ 15:30/ 19:30

Since Heian period, most of the streets in Rakuchu (central Kyoto) have been planned in square grid, running in directions of north, south, east and west. Through the years, the streets became to hold their own unique characters, such as craftsman street and teahouse street. By focusing on the origin and the legacy of the streets, you can grasp the course of development with various cultures linking together and influencing each other. In this series, we focus on one street at a time, offering you a stylish tour guide. You will explore temple architecture, food, craftworks, traditional performing arts and even daily ordinance, through micro and macro perspective with temporal and space axes to understand the deepness of Kyoto, and aesthetics which is still seen in the ordinary life of Japan's most renowned city. In this edition, we take up Horikawa-dori street, with water and color as the theme. History of the art of tea ceremony and the culture of Heian aristocrats are highl ighted, while you enjoy the scenes of popular sites.

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