Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Your Japanese Kitchen - 2012/02/27 - Rafte and Wakame Salad

Rafte (Simmered Pork Belly)

Ingredients (Serves 4)
*1 kg pork belly (block)
*1 knob ginger
*5 cups /1000ml awamori (sake)
*30 g san-onto soft brown sugar
*1/4 cup / 50ml soy sauce

1. Put the pork into a pan, cook for about 10 minutes after the water boils.

2. Then, wash the pork and remove the residue.

3. Put the pork back in the pan, add awamori, and cover with water.

4. Add crushed ginger into the pan, put the lid on, and bring to a boil.

5. Then open the lid a little and simmer for 2 hours, until about half the liquid is gone.

6. Remove it and cut into equal chunks.

7. Add soft brown sugar to the soup, put the pork back in,
and simmer for 30 minutes while partially covered.

8. Take the pork and ginger out.

9. Cool the soup in the refrigerator for half-an-hour.

10. And when the fat has solidified, remove it from the surface with a spoon.
You can use the lard in other recipes.

11. Put the pork back in the pan and cover with water again.

12. Add soy sauce, cover with drop lid and simmer it for an hour.

Wakame Salad with Cucumber and Crabmeat

Ingredients (Serves 4)
*2 cucumbers (180g)
*1/4 tsp salt
*100-120g (net) torn crabmeat
*25g (soaked 80g) salted wakame seaweed
*1 large knob ginger (45g) julienne
*5 tbsp squeezed shikwasa Okinawan lime juice (5-10 shikwasa)
*3 tbsp squeezed orange juice (1/2 orange)

1. Soak the salted wakame seaweed in water for about 10 minutes.
Drain the wakame and cut it into bite size pieces.

2. Slice the cucumbers into 3 millimeter sections.
Rub with a quarter-teaspoon of salt, and put them aside for 5 minutes.

3. Break up the crab meat into small pieces and cut the ginger into 3cm thin strips.

4. Add the shikwasa and orange juice to a bowl and season with some salt.

5. Squeeze out the excess water from the cucumbers
and put them in a bowl along with the wakame, crabmeat, and ginger.

Dropped video frames

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Total frames: 50388

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  1. Thank you for your posting "Your Japanese Kitchen" It is my favorite show to follow. Please post many more, I'm following on Twitter and always looking for new postings of "Your Japanese Kitchen" shows! All of the shows are very interesting to watch as well.
    Thank you again!

  2. Thank you so much seems interesting


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