Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tokyo Fashion Express - 2012/01/30

Jan. 30, Mon. 23:30 - 0:00 (UTC) etc.

Pursuing beautiful silhouettes - Kazunari Arita, Bespoke Cutter
Kazunari Arita is a rising figure in the high-class world of bespoke cutting from his shop in Minami Aoyama. He in fact does everything himself on fully order-made suits, from the measuring and patterns to cutting, tacking and sewing. That is a rare spread even in Britain and his designs are drawing attention for their extraordinary sense and allure.
Arita adores clothes and even as student at fashion college, he made his own clothes. Arita went to Britain after graduating and studied there under a cutter who worked by royal appointment. Back in Japan, he learned the sewing as well and now builds on those past experiences with top notch British and Japanese tailors by adding his own conceptions to his suits. He combines a firm, classically British base with his own dedication to beautiful profile lines. "I am growing with Japanese suit culture," says Arita, "and one day I want Japanese suits to win still more recognition in the world." We introduce Arita's design philosophy for suits.

Tokyo BUZZ:
Trompe l'oeil trend
Trompe l'oeuil is tricking the eye. And now it's big in the eyes of fashion! The boom started from a popular brand and today we see it all over town. You don't even need to worry about coordination - a single item is fun enough. We introduce some cute and funny accessories from bags to shoes sporting trompe l'oeuil patterns.

Catwalk Trends:
2012 Spring/Summer Tokyo Collection Part7

Hot Picks!

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part 1 of 1:

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