Saturday, June 16, 2012

Japan 7 Days - 2012/06/15

Jun. 15, Fri. 14:30 - 15:00 (UTC) etc.

Pianist Izumi Tateno makes music with one hand

At the height of his career, pianist Izumi Tateno suffered a brain hemorrhage and collapsed on stage ten years ago. The right side of his body remains paralyzed, and he feared he would never perform again. But after two years of
rehabilitation, he embarked upon a second career as a performer of music for the left hand.

At first, Tateno bought into the stereotype of one-hand piano music as something for the handicapped. But he has changed his mind as he encountered compositions and techniques that make that way of performing a complete art in itself.

Inspired by his passion, composers have been writing pieces for him, some of which he is now performing in a two-year global concert tour. At 75, Tateno is earning his reputation as a virtuoso all over again.

Other News:
- Police arrested the last fugitive member of the Aum Shinrikyo cult, Katsuya Takahashi
- Items that drifted to the west coast of North America after last year's tsunami are being returned to their owners.
- A car seat that senses driver fatigue is being marketed as a way of preventing accidents.

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Total frames: 50399

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