Saturday, January 7, 2012

20110801 J-MELO - Female Idol Special

J-MELO Female Idol Special
Collaborations with
• Nippon Broadcasting System's "Mu-comi Plus" radio show
Guests: Haruko Momoi, Yui Makino, S/mileage
Exclusive Messages: DiVa, Morning Musume?
Artists: Buono!, SCANDAL

World August 1 General TV, September 5

1. "Cry" / DiVA
2. "Only you" / Morning Musume?
3. "Uchouten Love" (Ecstatic Love) / S/mileage
4. "Mirai No Hitomi Wo Hiraku Toki" (When We Open Our Eyes in the Future) / Yui Makino

Download: J-MELO - Female Idol Special.mkv

 Dropped video frames
   Found average frame timing of 32.67 ms
       Line     Duration (ms)    Time window
 No missing frames
 Total frames: 50425

This video has no dropped frames so has been marked as CFR by removing the timecodes. It should play on the PS3. Please let me know if it doesn't.

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