Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tokyo Eye - 2011/08/03 - Shimbashi Under the Tracks

Aug. 3, Wed. 0:30 - 1:00 (UTC) etc.

Shimbashi: Under the tracks

Shimbashi, a place famous for drinks after work. Today we'll trace the life story of a Shimbashi bar owner. She got her start in Shimbashi right after the war, and since then has seen all kinds of changes. We'll get her take on Tokyo's history.
Shimbashi - Pub Kodama (7 min. 04 sec.)

As the sun goes down, the area around Shimbashi Station overflows with people getting off work.

A row of bars and eateries occupies the space under the rail tracks. The place we will visit today has been in business since it opened right after the war.

Hideko Yoshida was born in 1925. Now 86 years old, she still runs this bar.
Shimbashi - Viaduct (6 min. 43 sec.)

Nowadays Yoshida-san heads for work at 2pm.

Every day, Yoshida-san is the first to arrive and open her bar.

This has been Yoshida-san's routine for decades.
Ginza (5 min. 37 sec.)

Yoshida-san heads to Ginza. It's about a five-minute walk.

Ginza is right next to Shimbashi. Although it is famous as a ritzy shopping destination, low-priced discount shops have been popping up.

Yoshida-san usually shops at a store offering bargain prices.
Shimbashi Ekimae Building (7 min. 07 sec.)

A large modern building replaced alleys lined with dining and drinking spots. But the watering holes didn't disappear.

They just relocated-from aboveground to the first basement of the new building, where they continue to do business to this day.

Yoshida-san herself often comes to have a drink in this underground time capsule.
Further Info

Shimbashi: Under the tracks
- Hideko Yoshida-san's pub: Pub Kodama
Address: 3-25-20 Shimbashi, Minato-ku
- Postwar black market relocated to the basement: Shimbashi Ekimae Building (in Japanese only)
- Low-priced discount shop: Don Quijote

Download: Tokyo Eye - Shimbashi Under the Tracks.mkv

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