Thursday, January 19, 2012

imagine-nation - 2012/01/17 - Frontier Gate RPG, Usamaru Furuya

Jan. 17, Tue. 23:30 - 0:00 (UTC) etc.

Main Feature: A Role-Playing Game "FRONTIER GATE"
RPG (Role Playing Games) have won many fans in Japan. With the 3D CG techniques making them ever more realistic in recent years, and such finely wrought stories, too, their place is already firmly established in the game genre. A new title released in December, 2011 - FRONTIER GATE (For PSP) - is now drawing special attention.
Its differences from the standard RPG include the choice of your preferred partner from 15 characters which all develop in different ways towards 15 different endings. There is multi-play for up to three people and even beginners can fight mighty monsters with the cooperation of their friends in this game for both light and heavy users.
It comes from Konami Digital Entertainment, the company that brought us sports titles such as Winning Eleven and JIKKYOU PAWAFURU PURO YAKYU and also METAL GEAR SOLID in recent years. Why develop a completely new game with such a high degree of freedom? Why select ad hoc multi-play for the evolving online RPG genre? Find out the answers to these and other questions about FRONTIER GATE, a game that is said to take 100 hours to explore every nook and cranny. Here's an irresistible new RPG game!

Creator's interview: Usamaru Furuya, Japanese Manga Artists
Furuya debuted with Palepoli in the monthly magazine GARO in 1994. He wanted to be an artist after graduating from Tama Art University's painting department, where he specialized in oils, but it's hard to make a living in oil painting so he took up part time illustration as well before broadening out further with manga on the side while teaching art in senior high school. We introduce a manga artist distinguished for his vivid colors, fine detail and black

Download: imagine-nation - Frontier Gate RPG, Usamaru Furuya.mkv

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 Total frames: 50419

1 comment:

  1. Excellent show, happy to be able to download this.
    Please keep posting new shows.


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