Monday, January 2, 2012

On Shanks Mare - Traveling Japan in Ukiyo-E Journeys

On Shanks' Mare: Traveling Japan in Ukiyo-E Journeys.

The technologies of today's world grants people the freedom to breeze from one country to the next. But wind back the clock 300 years. Imagine what it would have been like to embark on a journey in Edo Japan? With no transportation infrastructure to speak of, most overland travel was on foot, and to the common man a journey to a far-off place was a potentially life-risking feat.
Amidst this, two men, Yajirobei and Kitahachi make a journey from Nihonbashi, in Edo, to Ise Shrine. Their story is told in the form of Japan's oldest travel guide, Tokaidochu Hizakurige. The book follows the two men as they leave a trail of crude jokes and plentiful puns across Japan's eastern seaboard. This comical book served to whet the public's appetite for sight-seeing. The program is a myriad of famous ukiyoe woodcut prints from Hokusai such as The Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido series, modern-day actors and CG effects. It offers a never-before-seen mix of old and new world and offers the viewer a perspective through the eyes of ordinary Edo people.

Download: Shanks Mare - Traveling Japan in Ukiyo-E Journeys.mkv

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