Friday, January 13, 2012

Japan Biz Cast - 2012/01/11 - Tokyo Motor Show 2011

Jan. 11, Wed. 23:30 - 0:00 (UTC) etc.

On Site: Tokyo Motor Show 2011
Today's Japan Biz Cast will cover the Tokyo Motor Show 2011. The venue for the year's show was closer to Tokyo than in years past. Automakers from around world participated and there were plenty of attention-getting exhibitions that excited visitors, including new models being unveiled for the first time. From EV's, hybrids and plug-in hybrids to gas and diesel engines with impressive fuel efficiency, cars designed for eco-friendliness seemed to be the big trend. But there were also plenty of sporty models designed for a pleasurable driving experience. Join us as we take a look at what's new from both foreign and domestic carmakers.

Download: Japan Biz Cast - Tokyo Motor Show 2011.mkv

 Dropped video frames
   Found average frame timing of 32.67 ms
       Line     Duration (ms)    Time window
      11922          100         0:06:37.300 -> 0:06:37.400
      21679           66         0:12:02.600 -> 0:12:02.666
 Total frames: 50410

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