Friday, January 6, 2012

BEGIN Japanology - 2011/01/13 - Mochi Rice Cake

Jan. 13, Thu.

"Mochi Rice Cake"

Mochi, a glutinous dough made from steamed rice, is a favorite food among the Japanese.

At least two people are required to make mochi the traditional way: a mallet man and a flipper. The movements of the two must be perfectly synchronized, and the best teams can be very interesting to watch.

Mochi is used in various ways at the New Year and on important occasions in life. At weddings, the groom may take part in mochi pounding. Its stickiness symbolizes a wish that the couple will enjoy a strong, lasting bond.

A soup of mochi, vegetables, meat, and seafood is an essential part of many New Year's meals throughout Japan. The recipes vary not only from region to region, but almost from family to family.

On this edition of BEGIN Japanology, we look at mochi rice cake - a food steeped in history and the Japanese way of life.

Download: BEGIN Japanology - Mochi Rice Cake.mkv

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