Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Your Japanese Kitchen - 2012/01/16 - Eggplant and Beef in Miso, Natto Miso Soup

Eggplant and Beef Simmered in Miso

Ingredients (Serves 4)
*6-9 eggplants (700g)
*200g thinly sliced beef
*1 cup /200g dashi stock
*4 tbsp sugar
*3 tbsp miso
*3 tbsp soy sauce
*3 tbsp mirin sweet cooking sake
*2 tsp tobanjan(Chinese chili bean paste)

1. Cut off the calyxes and peel the eggplants lengthwise in a striped pattern.

2. Cut them into 3cm-thick round pieces.

3. Soak them in water for 4 to 5 minutes to remove the bitterness. Drain them, and pat them completely dry.

4. Combine the dashi stock, miso, sugar, soy sauce, mirin, and tobanjan in a bowl.

5. Heat the oil, and deep-fry the eggplants lightly. Put a bit of oil in a frying-pan, and cook the beef briefly. Add the eggplants.

6. Add the seasoning mixture, and simmer for a while.

7. Put on a drop-lid on, and simmer some more. Serve and garnish with grated ginger.

Natto Miso Soup

Ingredients (Serves 4)
*1 pack natto(50g)
*1 small pack silken tofu (250g)
*80g nameko mushrooms
*4 cups /800ml dashi stock
*4 tbsp miso

1. Chop the natto.

2. Bring the dashi stock to a boil and add the nameko. Dissolve the miso into the stock.

3. Add the tofu, breaking it by hand.

4. Turn off the heat just before it comes to a boil, and add the chopped natto. Garnish with the chopped negi, and "Natto miso soup" is ready to serve.

Download: Your Japanese Kitchen - Eggplant and Beef in Miso, Natto Miso Soup.mkv

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Someone needs to do something about the hair, pronto!

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