Friday, March 23, 2012

Journeys in Japan - 2012/03/13 - Nara

"Treasures of the Ancient Capital, Nara - Pref."

Mar. 13, Tue.
journeys image journeys image journeys image

- City of Nara
- Todaiji Nandaimon
- Ashura statue

This edition of journeys in japan features Japan's ancient capital, Nara.
We will take a close look at architecture and Buddhist statues dating back more than 1000 years.
Our reporter William Reed, an American columnist who's been in Japan for 40 years, is our guide to the city that is home to eight world heritage sites and important ancient treasures.

World heritage site Todaiji is a temple complex known for its extraordinary scale.
The 15-meter tall Daibutsu, or the Great Buddha, is one of the most famous Buddhist statues in the world.
The Great Buddha has endured to watch over Nara for more than 1,200 years.

Entrance fee: 500 yen
URL: (Japanese only)

The temple grounds house the Five Storied Pagoda-a Nara landmark.

The National Treasure Hall holds significant Buddhist statues, many of which are designated national treasures.

Entrance fee: 600 yen
URL: (English and Japanese)

Kasuga Taisha Shrine
World heritage site Kasuga Taisha was established in the 8th century.
Our reporter visits a Shinto festival there where hundreds of lanterns are illuminated from the approach up to the shrine's main hall.

Setsubun Mantoro: every February 3
URL: (Japanese only)

Kobaien sumi ink shop
The sumi ink shop has a history of over 400 years.
It carries a wide range of quality ink sticks.

Open Monday to Friday
URL: (Japanese only)

Awa Naramachi restaurant
This restaurant is converted from a 130 -year old home.
Its menu, which celebrates local vegetables that have been cultivated in Nara since olden times, is Japanese with Italian influences.

Closed: Every Tuesday
URL: (Japanese only)

Traveler: William Reed
Access Map

To reach Nara from Tokyo, take a shinkansen bullet train to Kyotoand transfer to a local line. The entire journey is about three hours.

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 Total frames: 47930

Sorry for the video problems, I made a boo boo.

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