Thursday, March 22, 2012

Your Japanese Kitchen - 2012/03/12 - Satsuma-age

Satsuma-age(Fried Fish Cakes)

Ingredients (Serves 4)
*1/4 onion
*4 sausages
*1 red sea bream fillet (net 150g)
*1 mahi mahi fillet (net 150g)
*8 shrimps (net 150g)
*1 egg white

*1 tbsp sake
*1 tsp sugar
*1 tbsp potato starch

1. First, the paste. Remove the skin and bones from the fish and chop it finely and then mince it.
Remove the shells and tails from the shrimps, and devein them. Chop them finely and then mince it.

2. Make them into a paste, with a mortar or food processor.

3. Add egg white, sake, salt, sugar, and potato starch. Mix everything well.

4. Divide the paste, for two types of "Satsuma-age."

5. Mix 2 centimeter-diced onions into the paste, and deep fry it. The Onion flavor Satsuma-age is ready.

6. For the other kind, put some paste on a plastic wrap and place the sausage in the center.
Roll up the sausage, and deep fry.

7. Serve the Onion flavor Satsuma-age with grated ginger and soy sauce.
Enjoy the sausage Satsuma-age with ketchup, mayonnaise or mustard, to taste.

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