Saturday, March 24, 2012

Journeys in Japan - 2012/03/20 - Beppu Hot Springs

"BEPPU CITY: Oita-Pref."
- Nature's Gift: Hot Springs -

Mar. 20, Tue.
journeys image journeys image journeys image

- Umi-jigoku (Sea Hell)
- Jigoku-mushi
- Max Maconachy trying Beppu's bamboo craft

Beppu City of Oita Prefecture is located in the eastern part of the island of Kyushu, and it is the second largest city in the prefecture with a population of approximately 120,000.
With the live volcano Mount Tsurumi sitting on the west side of the city, Beppu is blessed with an abundance of hot springs. It boasts the largest amount of water discharged per day in Japan. Since there are also many types of spring water, it is a location that attracts not only the local people but also visitors from all over the country.

Some hot springs in Beppu are not for bathing in. They are called jigoku or literally "hell" and are strictly for looking at. Jigoku refers to one of the worlds after death according to Buddhism, and the Jigoku hot springs were named for their scorching water and steam. Our traveler visits the many Jigoku hot springs of blue, red, and all sorts of vivid colors created by nature.

Oita Prefecture is said to be the largest producer of bamboo in Japan. As such, bamboo arts and crafts have existed from the days of old. There are even lamp shades made of bamboo in the streets. We visit a workshop, which has been producing bamboo crafts for some 90 years, to see their beautiful skilled work.

There is also a unique cuisine in Beppu called Jigoku-mushi or literally "steamed by hell" that uses the steam from the hot springs to cook the food. The steam can be as hot as 100 degrees Celsius, thus making it possible to cook the food quickly. The small amount of salt in the hot spring water also adds flavor to the dishes.

Whether it is seeing the sights or tasting the food, Beppu is a place where you can truly enjoy the hot springs, the blessings of nature, through all your five senses.

Hot springs of all colors and forms due to the minerals in the water. There are supposedly more than 10 Jigoku hot springs in Beppu, and eight of them are open to the public by the Jigoku Meguri Kumiai.

Jigoku Meguri (Hell Tour)
Admission fee per Jigoku spring: 400 yen
Combination ticket for eight Jigoku springs: 2,000 yen
Open hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Beppu Jigoku Kumiai
Tel: (+81) 0977-66-1577 (in Japanese only)
URL: (English information available on website)

Ekimae Koutou Onsen
A Western style hot spring close to Beppu Station. The building is said to be a German architecture built in 1924.

Ekimae Koutou Onsen
Address: Ekimae-cho 13-14, Beppu City
Tel: (+81) 0977-21-0541 (in Japanese only)

Beppu Bamboo Crafts
Bamboo crafts shown in the program made by Ichiro Iwao can be purchased at his workshop.

Iwao Takekago
Address: Hikari-machi 1-5, Beppu City, Oita Prefecture
Tel: (+81) 0977-22-4074 (in Japanese only)

Bamboo craft workshops are also available.
Beppu City Traditional Bamboo Crafts Center
Address: Kaminoguchi-cho 1-15, Beppu City, Oita Prefecture
Tel: (+81) 0977-22-1111 (in Japanese only)
The ryokan inn where you can enjoy the Jigoku-mushi cuisine featured in the program.

Tel: (+81) 0977-66-0440
URL: (English information available on website)
Sightseeing in Beppu

Beppu Tourist Association, Tourist Information Office at the station
Address: Ekimae-cho 12-13, Beppu City, Oita Prefecture
Open hours: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Tel: (+81) 0977-24-2838 (in Japanese only)

There are also facilities that provide city tours for foreigners in English.

Beppu Foreign Tourist Information Office
Address: Kitahama 1-3-17, Beppu City, Oita Prefecture
Open hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tel: (+81) 0977-23-1119 (in Japanese or English)

Traveler: Max Maconachy (DJ and personality)
Access Map

Buses are convenient to get around the city.

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  1. This guy is by *FAR* the best presenter they've had hosting Journeys In Japan. It's almost like he knows what he's talking about and appreciates what he's experiencing, unlike most of the little space cadets they bring in for this show.
    Maybe it's a credit to him, or maybe they're just briefing their hosts better. Probably both. Either way, I hope we see more maturity and quality like this.


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