Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Professional Women - Women in Broadcasting

Women in broadcasting

In the past, broadcasting had a reputation for being a boys' club, but many of television's popular programs are now created by women. We follow a director working at the forefront, as she balances work with the pressures of marriage and childbirth.

 Dropped video frames
   Found average frame timing of 33 ms
       Line     Duration (ms)    Time window
       1141           67         0:00:37.966 -> 0:00:38.033
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       8820          100         0:04:54.000 -> 0:04:54.100
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      42655           66         0:23:42.100 -> 0:23:42.166
      44551           67         0:24:45.333 -> 0:24:45.400
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      60754           66         0:33:45.600 -> 0:33:45.666
      62228           67         0:34:34.766 -> 0:34:34.833
      65822           66         0:36:34.600 -> 0:36:34.666
      72165          100         0:40:06.066 -> 0:40:06.166
      82202           66         0:45:40.700 -> 0:45:40.766
      82811           67         0:46:01.033 -> 0:46:01.100
      85578          100         0:47:33.300 -> 0:47:33.400
      87210          100         0:48:27.766 -> 0:48:27.866
      88279           67         0:49:03.466 -> 0:49:03.533
 Total frames: 89962

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part 1 of 2:
part 2 of 2:

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