Wednesday, April 18, 2012

ABU Digista teens - 2012/04/14

This global project supports creative Asian teenagers using new forms of digital expression, including anime, CGs, and stop-frame filming. Children from eight ABU nations present their creations.

 Dropped video frames
   Found average frame timing of 33 ms
       Line     Duration (ms)    Time window
       1849          900         0:01:01.565 -> 0:01:02.465
       1850         1100         0:01:02.465 -> 0:01:03.565
       1851         1934         0:01:03.565 -> 0:01:05.499
       1852         3000         0:01:05.499 -> 0:01:08.499
      79005          333         0:44:00.232 -> 0:44:00.565
      79006         2000         0:44:00.565 -> 0:44:02.565
      79007         3000         0:44:02.565 -> 0:44:05.565
      79008         5067         0:44:05.565 -> 0:44:10.632
      86941         1100         0:48:35.032 -> 0:48:36.132
      86942         2467         0:48:36.132 -> 0:48:38.599
      86943         2433         0:48:38.599 -> 0:48:41.032
      86944         3000         0:48:41.032 -> 0:48:44.032
      86945         3000         0:48:44.032 -> 0:48:47.032
      86946         1033         0:48:47.032 -> 0:48:48.065
 Total frames: 87312

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part 1 of 2:

part 2 of 2:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much. I've been waiting so long for this


I can't re-post files, sorry. The exception is files that are less than a day old. All mediafire links are broken forever. If you ask nicely and show that you tried but couldn't find the file elsewhere, someone may share it again.