Sunday, April 29, 2012

Great Gear - 2012/04/25

Apr. 25
On Site: Japan International Sport Fishing Show 2012

We visit a tradeshow to see what's new in the world of fishing. The exhibition hall attracted many fishing enthusiasts.

Schedule: From March 23-25
Location: Pacifico Yokohama

Over the past several years, fishing as a sport has been on the decline in Japan. But at the same time, according to some sources, it is finding new fans who are interested in getting closer to nature.

Gadgets: Cool Green Machine

We see some cool innovations one company is adding to its line-up of refrigerators in order to distinguish themselves in a fiercely competitive market.

It's probably the largest appliance in your home and more likely than not, it uses more electricity than most of your other appliances. But what would you do without your refrigerator?

Special Report: Bringing Glasses Back to Life

Having a pair of glasses break can be debilitating. But luckily, there is now a company that specializes in repairing broken glasses.

For people who wear glasses, getting them fixed properly and quickly is essential for returning to a normal lifestyle. In Japan, 96% of glasses are manufactured in the city of Sabae in Fukui prefecture. We visit a company there that will take your broken pair of specs and return them to you as good as new.

Further Info:

ON SITE : Japan International Sportfishing Show 2012
- GLOBERIDE, Inc. (DAIWA) (in Japanese Only)
Marketing Department / Fishing Sales Division +81-42-475-2144

Fishing Operations Division +81-72-223-3484

Sales Department +81-6-6531-0339

- GAMAKATSU CO., LTD. (in Japanese Only)
Public Relations Department +81-795-22-8867

- Katsuoka Kebari (in Japanese Only)

- JACKALL Inc. (in Japanese Only)
Sales Group +81-77-571-2412

- YAMADA ELECTRIC IND. Co., Ltd. (Hapyson) (in Japanese Only)
Sales Group +81-6-6780-2946
Gadgets : Cool Green Machine
Marketing Group +81-3-3260-1870
Special Report : Bringing Glasses Back to Life
- Repair Co., Ltd. (in Japanese Only)
Sales Group +81-778-62-7500

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