Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Science View - 2012/04/12

Apr. 12, Thu. 23:30 - 0:00 (UTC) etc.

New Frontiers in Seismic Design
J-Innovators:Extraordinary power-saving lighting, Hideo Arai
Hideo Arai - The craftsman who made extraordinary power-saving lighting
Michelle Yamamoto reports on the mirror duct system

Extraordinary power-saving lighting, Hideo Arai

"Light ducts" are a new kind of lighting system that reflect sunlight from outside, deep inside buildings. We take a look at the technology behind this extraordinary power-saving technology. Inside, the ducts are completely lined with mirrors that prevent any light from escaping. The technology may look simple, but behind this elegant product is a long and complicated development process. In fact, the development team had to make an abrupt 90 degree turn! What does that mean? You'll have to watch to find out! Michelle Yamamoto reports on the ducts as well as the sweat and tears of its dedicated creator.
Program presenter Rena Yamada with Professor Mizushima
Chimpanzees assess the situation well when a companion is in difficulty

Science News Watch:
Chimpanzees behavioral experiments - Kyoto University Primate Research Institute

Science watcher Eiji Mizushima's eye is caught by news about behavioral experiments at the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute. In these experiments it was shown that chimpanzees are able to assess a situation and provide each other with appropriate assistance when fellow chimpanzees are in trouble. First, two chimpanzees are placed in a room. Then, one is given various tools including a straw and the other a drink that cannot be drunk without a straw. What do the chimpanzees do? A video recording of the experiment tells the story.
Buildings shake with a distinctive frequency
Testing a diagnostic system for buildings

The Leading Edge:
New Frontiers in Seismic Design

Do you know what the most significant source of damage is to a building during an earthquake? While most people might think of the magnitude and intensity scales as a way to measure a quake's destructiveness, there is actually another important factor: an earthquake's period of oscillation. For example, during earthquakes with a long period of oscillation, tall buildings are most susceptible to damage because of a phenomenon called resonance. Studies have now begun to analyze the kind of ground cities are built upon in an effort to predict the period of earthquakes before they happen. We report on this cutting edge research protect buildings against giant earthquakes.

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