Sunday, April 22, 2012

Japan 7 Days - 2012/04/20

Apr. 20, Fri. 14:30 - 15:00 (UTC) etc.

House sharing creates community

Sharing a living space is no longer just a way of cutting expenses. Over the past five years, the number of facilities for house-sharing has been increasing, and the reasons are often social rather than economic.

People say they enjoy living in the same space with others who have related goals and needs. For example, some places with professional kitchens cater to young people who want to work in the food industry. Other facilities bring together people who want to be manga artists, or who have a similar situation such as single mothers.

House-sharing is even bringing a renewed vitality to neighborhoods. Collaborative living in a complex built quite a long time ago has enticed young people back to a part of Tokyo's Tama area. A residents' group welcomes new arrivals at festivals and other events. This has created new community ties and enhanced the quality of life for newcomers and older residents alike.

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