Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sports Japan - 2012/04/15

Apr. 15, Sun. 0:10 – 0:40 (UTC) etc.

Grand Sumo Spring Tournament, Football, Gymnastics
Grand Sumo Spring Tournament

Egyptian wrestler Osunaarashi makes his debut.
His life as a professional wrestler begins as he secures Jonokuchi ranking for the summer tournament.
[Front runners]

Mike Havenaar was naturalized in Japan but now plays in the Dutch league in the land of his father's birth. He is aiming to raise his game for the Japan national team.
[Science Lens]

We analyze Athens Olympics gold medalist Hiroyuki Tomita's Coleman on the high bar.

Demon Kakka
Musician, TV personality and well-known sumo fan

 Dropped video frames
   Found average frame timing of 33 ms
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 No missing frames
 Total frames: 50427

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