Thursday, April 19, 2012

Seasoning the Seasons - 2012/04/18 - Kakunodate

Apr. 18, Wed.
Kakunodate: Stories of Old Families

Kakunodate is the "Little Kyoto" of Tohoku, a castle town and popular tourist destination where the streets are lined with traditional-style buildings dating from the Edo Period (17th to mid-19th century). We meet people who adhere to the old ways of life, such as descendents of an old samurai family who still dwell in the Ishiguro Manor, a centuries old samurai house now open to public, and a lady descended from the Satake Kita clan that once ruled Kakunodate. The town is liveliest during the autumn festival when great floats are made to clash against each other in the parade. The bearers need power, courage and skill to triumph. We recorded the lives and traditions of samurai, merchant, farmer and lordly families on a 6 month sojourn in a place where distinctive old customs are still very much alive.
By rail
About 3 hours and 20 minutes from Tokyo to JR Kakunodate Station by Komachi Super Express on the Akita Shinkansen Line. No change of trains required.
By air
About 50 minutes by bus to Kakunodate from Akita Airport.
Kakunodate Tourist Information Center
An old storehouse by JR Kakunodate Station now serves as the tourist office. It's open year-round, 9:00 to 18:00 mid-April to September, 9:00 to 17:30 October to mid-April.
Semboku City Tourism Bureau
The bureau is located inside the Kakunodate Nakamachi Office, a 15 minute walk from JR Kakunodate Station. Tourist pamphlets and maps are also available here.
Open on weekdays from 8:45 to 17:15.
The Ishiguro Manor
The manor is located at the northern end of Samurai Houses Street. Descendants of the original owners still live on the premises, which are open to public.
Open year-round from 9:00 to 17:00.
Admission: 300 yen for high school students and above, 150 yen for junior-high and elementary school children
The Yatsuyanagi House
Kotaro Yatsuyanagi is a wholesaler of Kaba-zaiku, handicrafts made from the bark of the mountain cherry. The residential quarters at the rear of the shop are not open to public. Closed in winter.
Kakunodate Festivals
Parade of floats through the town, a national designated folk culture asset, is held September 7th through 9th each year.

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