Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Itadakimasu - 2012/04/16 - Yuan-yaki Salmon

Apr. 16, Mon.
Salmon in Yuan-yaki Style
Green Peas and Rice
Egg Drop Soup
Chef Saito grills fresh salmon with yuzu citrus, in a classic style called Yuan-yaki. He also cooks "Green Peas and Rice" and "Egg Drop Soup", and each menu item welcomes the new taste of spring.
Salmon in Yuan-yaki Style

[Ingredients] *Serves 2
2 salmon fillets, 100 g each
1 tbsp salt
1/2 yuzu citrus (or lemon)
2 green bell peppers
50ml sake
50ml mirin
50ml soy sauce
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1. Cut each fillet into thirds. Lightly sprinkle each piece with salt and let sit for 10 minutes. Rinse with water, and pat dry.

2. Cut the yuzu citrus into thin rounds.

3. Cut the bell peppers into halves, deseed, and cut into chunks.

4. Combine all the ingredients of the marinade in a bowl. Add the yuzu slices and press gently to release the flavor, then add the salmon pieces. After marinating the salmon for 10 minutes, flip it over and marinate 10 minutes more. Remove the salmon and yuzu slices from the marinade. (Do not discard the marinade)

5. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and sear the salmon on both sides. Pour in the marinade, and spoon the marinade over the salmon in the pan. Add the bell pepper and cook.

6. Arrange the salmon on a plate along with the bell peppers.

Green Peas and Rice

[Ingredients] *Serves 2
180g green peas in the pod
2 tsp salt
For the stock:
Shucked pea pods
One 3cm piece dried kombu kelp
5 cups/ 1L water
1 4/5 cups/ 360ml short-grain rice or sushi rice
1/4 tsp salt
1. Rinse the pod of green peas and shuck the peas (Keep the pods for the stock.) Sprinkle the peas with the salt, mix well, and leave for 10 minutes.

2. Making the stock: Place shucked pea pods, kombu, and water (1L) in a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and cook for 5 minutes. Strain through paper towels and cool the stock to room temperature. You need 440ml of the stock for cooking rice.

3. Bring water to a boil in a medium sauce pan. Add the green peas. When the peas are cooked, add cold water little by little to cool them gradually so that they won't wrinkle.

4. Wash the rice with water. Place the rice, 440ml of stock, and the salt in a saucepan, cover, and set over medium-high heat. When boiling, decrease the heat to very low and cook for 10 minutes. Stop the heat, and leave covered for 10 minutes to naturally steam the inside.

5. Drain the peas, add into the pan of rice, and lightly mix. Serve in an individual bowl.

Egg Drop Soup

[Ingredients] *Serves 2
1 egg
1/2 tbsp potato starch (or cornstarch) 1 tsp juice squeezed from grated ginger
400ml dashi stock
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp soy sauce
Mitsuba leaves (or Italian parsely), leaves plucked
1. Lightly beat the egg.

2. Dissolve the potato starch with same amount of water to make slurry.

3. Combine the dashi stock, salt, and soy sauce in a sauce pan and bring to a simmer. Add the slurry to thicken the soup. Add the beaten egg by tricking down a chopstick as thinly as possible, and lightly spread with a whisk to "bloom" the formed egg.

4. Add the juice squeezed form grated ginger.

5. Serve into an individual bowl and top each with mitsuba leaves.

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  1. Thank you for uploading the video and providing detail recipe. You're the best.

  2. Yay! A new episode of one of my favorite english speaking cooking shows. Thank you once again!
    Perfect timing, I really wanted to try a new salmon recipe.


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