Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Great Nature - Deep Sea

The "deep sea" is the final largely unexplored part of the planet. A high-definition camera on a Japanese unmanned deep-sea probe vessel introduces the rare creatures that inhabit this amazing world.

 Dropped video frames
   Found average frame timing of 33 ms
       Line     Duration (ms)    Time window
        438          233         0:00:14.533 -> 0:00:14.766
        537          300         0:00:18.033 -> 0:00:18.333
        622          933         0:00:21.133 -> 0:00:22.066
       2427          800         0:01:22.199 -> 0:01:22.999
       2825          233         0:01:36.233 -> 0:01:36.466
       2947          734         0:01:40.499 -> 0:01:41.233
       3075          333         0:01:45.466 -> 0:01:45.799
       3986          166         0:02:16.133 -> 0:02:16.299
       5012          100         0:02:50.466 -> 0:02:50.566
       6846          133         0:03:51.666 -> 0:03:51.799
       7267          167         0:04:05.799 -> 0:04:05.966
       8112          200         0:04:34.099 -> 0:04:34.299
       8521          400         0:04:47.899 -> 0:04:48.299
       8644          700         0:04:52.366 -> 0:04:53.066
       8767          800         0:04:57.133 -> 0:04:57.933
      18848          100         0:10:33.933 -> 0:10:34.033
      22772          267         0:12:44.799 -> 0:12:45.066
      23089          200         0:12:55.599 -> 0:12:55.799
      26156           67         0:14:37.999 -> 0:14:38.066
      27478          267         0:15:22.099 -> 0:15:22.366
      29032          300         0:16:14.133 -> 0:16:14.433
      29594          200         0:16:33.133 -> 0:16:33.333
      29740          267         0:16:38.166 -> 0:16:38.433
      30003          233         0:16:47.166 -> 0:16:47.399
      30129          533         0:16:51.566 -> 0:16:52.099
      30265          200         0:16:56.599 -> 0:16:56.799
      30392           67         0:17:00.999 -> 0:17:01.066
      38091          167         0:21:17.666 -> 0:21:17.833
      38498          100         0:21:31.366 -> 0:21:31.466
      38629          567         0:21:35.799 -> 0:21:36.366
      38763          234         0:21:40.799 -> 0:21:41.033
      49123          333         0:27:26.333 -> 0:27:26.666
 Total frames: 51924

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part 1 of 1:

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I can't re-post files, sorry. The exception is files that are less than a day old. All mediafire links are broken forever. If you ask nicely and show that you tried but couldn't find the file elsewhere, someone may share it again.