Sunday, April 8, 2012

Japan 7 Days - 2012/04/06

Apr. 6, Fri. 14:30 - 15:00 (UTC) etc.

Stricter standards for cesium in food

Stricter standards for radioactive cesium in food became effective on April 1st, about a year after the nuclear crisis started in Fukushima. As a result, municipalities have started tightening their food inspections. Some stores have opted for even more demanding standards in order to put customers' minds at ease. Producers, however, are concerned that strict rules may make their products unmarketable, thus threatening their livelihood. The revised standards are more exacting than those of the US and Europe.

Other news:
- New estimates for earthquakes along the Nankai trough project strong tremors and large tsunami across a large part of Japan's Pacific coast. Tokyo could be jolted by a level-7 quake, the most intense on the Japanese scale.

- The city of Tamura and the village of Kawauchi in Fukushima Prefecture are preparing for the return of residents, with the lifting of the ban on entry.

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