Sunday, April 8, 2012

Science View - 2012/04/05

Apr. 5, Thu. 23:30 - 0:00 (UTC) etc.

Hayabusa's Homecoming: The Inside Story
J-Innovators:Making the best make-up brushes, Kazuo Takamoto
Makeup brushes
Today's innovator, Kazuo Takamoto

Making the best make-up brushes, Kazuo Takamoto

A Japanese company boasts more than 50% of the global market for make-up brushes. The brushes' soft feeling on the skin and superior make-up application make them even popular among leading make-up artists from the Paris Collection and Hollywood. In the studio, Reporter Michelle Yamamoto and Navigator Rena Yamada are astonished by the high quality of these brushes. Based in Kumano, Hiroshima Prefecture, this company has been making brushes for over 200 years. The company's precision techniques are respected around the world. Tune in to find out the secret behind their quality.
Rena Yamada, Sciens Watcher Kevin Short

Science News Watch:
Protecting ptarmigan grouse, Japan's natural treasure

Our science watcher Professor Kevin Short focuses on another story about efforts to protect bird populations. The ptarmigan is a designated natural treasure in Japan but fears are growing for its survival. In an attempt to increase their numbers, metal cages will be used to protect ptarmigan parents and chicks for a month in one of their habitats, the Murodogahara highland of Japan's Northern Alps. Preliminary investigations are set to begin in June 2012. Tune in to the next Science View to find out what makes this one month so critical to their survival.
Asteroid Explorer "HAYABUSA"
Asteroid Itokawa

The Leading Edge:
Hayabusa's Homecoming, the inside story

The Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa crashed down like a falling star into the dessert in Australia in June 2010. It was an image that captivated many people around the world. Hayabusa's return to earth marked the end of its 6 billion kilometer journey that lasted 7 years. The unprecedented project landed a probe on the asteroid Itokawa and brought a sample back. But along the way there was all sorts of trouble including engine problems and a fuel leak, but the ion engine developed in Japan managed to bring Hayabusa nack home safely. Two films also came out in February and March 2012, keeping Hayabusa very much in the spotlight in Japan. We go behind the scenes of this first ever successful sample return mission to a celestial body other than the moon.

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