Sunday, October 14, 2012

Booked for Japan - 2012/09/29 - Joichi Ito

Sep. 29, Sat.
Joichi Ito: Every new culture begins in chaos

Joichi Ito rose to prominence as an entrepreneur who was an early champion of the internet. Intrigued by the world of blogs and search engines, he invested in many high-tech companies, and found great success. Last year, he was appointed Director of the prestigious MIT Media Lab. Nicholas Negroponte, the Media Lab's founder, said that Joi excels at bringing out the best in people, and that he is the perfect person to lead the Media Lab into the future.

Joi spent his youth in the US. In both America and his native Japan he found himself viewed as a foreigner. After dropping out of university, Joi started DJ-ing, and through that developed a deep interest in the importance of communities. His experiences taught him to question authority, and to understand the value of thinking for oneself. In Joi's world, a difficult situation is a chance to discover a new persective. Joi speaks with Robert Campbell about making sure that the internet remains diverse, open, and not simply motivated by profits. He also discusses his worldview and future goals.

*Special Programming:
Sep. 29, Sat. (UTC)
2:10 - 2:57 / 6:10 - 6:57 / 10:10 - 10:57 / 13:10 - 13:57 / 17:10 - 17:57 / 22:10 - 22:57

  Dropped video frames
    Found average frame timing of 33 ms
        Line     Duration (ms)    Time window
  No missing frames
  Total frames: 84599

This video has no dropped frames so has been marked as CFR by removing the timecodes. It will play on the PS3.

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