Thursday, October 18, 2012

imagine-nation - 2012/10/02

Oct. 2, Tue.
Main Feature:
Popular Japanese Manga - GIGA TOKYO TOY BOX


Manga Artist UME (OZAWA Takahiro - SEO Asako) & Kei

The Cartoon Grand Prize is an award presented by an association of manga section managers at major bookstores. This week, we introduce the runners-up in the 2012 event.

Giga Tokyo Toy Box is set at a videogame production company, depicting the enthusiasm and conflict of the makers with amazing realism based on careful research. The original stories are by OZAWA Takahiro and the drawings supervised by SEO Asako... and they are husband and wife.

Further, everything is done digitally from start to finish. Even though digital technology is making inroads on manga production, it's extremely rare to do it all that way. So, how does one make manga entirely digitally? We discover new possibilities in the future of the manga industry.
Creator's interview: Yukiko Inoue Japanese Animation Director / Illustrator

We introduce a Hiroshima-born animator who taught art in high school after graduating from the Hiroshima City University Faculty of Arts before moving on to plan content for children and produce her own illustrations, characters and cartoons. This popular artist's cute worldview has been seen on such NHK children's programs as Minna no Uta and Eigo de Asobo.

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