Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Future of iPS Cells - 2012/09/29 - Shinya Yamanaka & Ian Wilmut in Discussion

The Future of iPS CellsShinya Yamanaka & Ian Wilmut in Discussion

Sep. 29, Sat.
0:10/ 4:10/ 8:10/ 12:10/
16:10/ 20:10 (UTC)

iPS cells are set to revolutionize medicine. These cells were first engineered by Professor Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University. 16 years ago, Dr. Ian Wilmut of the University of Edinburgh stunned the world when he created Dolly the sheep, the world's first cloned mammal. On this special edition of Science View, we bring you an in-depth, one-of-a-kind conversation between these two giants of the life sciences. The winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine are being announced on October 8th, and Dr. Yamanaka is an early favorite - make sure to catch this program before the Nobel announcement!

This conversation was recorded on June 11th, 2012 in Yokohama. Both scientists were visiting Yokohama to attend the annual meeting of the International Society for Stem Cell Research. Both men are naturally very busy, but they relished the chance to meet and discuss the most pressing questions on their minds.

The conversation took place over one hour in a hotel suite. Topics ranged from the secret to creating Dolly, to the genesis of iPS cell research, to the excitement that Dr. Yamanaka felt when he successfully created the first iPS cells. Dr. Yamanaka also brought up the ethical issues that iPS cell technology raises. When it comes to the creation of life, how far should science go? Both men gave their answer to this hugely important question.

Dr. Yamanaka also asked how scientists can earn the trust of the public, especially in light of recent events like the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. The conversation also touched upon the importance of family, and the friendship between the wives of Dr. Yamanaka and Dr. Wilmut.

As the two talked, it became clear just how strong a relationship they have. Dr. Yamanaka spoke about certain episodes in his life that he had never before shared on camera.

Ian Wilmut says that he is an optimist at heart. In conversation, he is an excellent listener, one who answers the questions asked of him thoughtfully and sincerely. Dr. Yamanaka, for his part, spoke modestly about some of the negative aspects of iPS cells. Five years since they were first created, iPS cells are now nearly ready to be used in clinical applications. Shinya Yamanaka and Ian Wilmut discuss in-depth an amazing cutting-edge technology made in Japan.

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