Monday, October 15, 2012

Sports Japan - 2012/09/30

Sep. 30, Sun.

Aikido - The harmonious martial art -

1. The Underlying Spirit of Aikido
Aikido, along with judo, karate, kendo and others, is one of the martial arts of Japan. Its purpose is not attack but to parry and subdue the attack of an opponent. The practitioner doesn't oppose force with force but aims instead to render that force powerless. The techniques are used in many fields ranging from the arrest of suspects by police to self-defense for women. We feature the basics of aikido.

2. Aikido's Global Spread
The International Aikido Congress convened from September 18th but aikido isn't about competition and the action consisted of practice by the masters. It used to be considered a particularly Japanese art but today increasing numbers of people are learning aikido all over the world. Katsuaki Asai studied under the founder before crossing to Germany at a young age and has been teaching overseas for many years. He tells us about aikido's reception abroad and the changes he has seen in nearly four decades.
Ryota Murata, Boxer
His triumph in the men's middleweight final in London made Murata only the second Japanese boxer in 48 years to win an Olympic gold medal. He once worried that he didn't have the punch to compete on the global stage and thought of quitting but then fought on for his family who gave him so much support.

Miyako Tanaka Oulevey

Tanaka Oulevey won the synchronized swimming duet bronze at the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games with Mikako Kotani and later coached in the United States and France. She is now a mental trainer and Guest Professor of Sports Psychology at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya.

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