Sharing of “coolvideo.rar” has been limited due to being a split, encrypted, or corrupted archive file. Upgrade now to get unlimited sharing of all types of archive and encrypted files, including files over 200MB.
Yes it says "coolvideo.rar" for every file :-P
I'll look into some solutions tonight or tomorrow.
Which brings me to the point that the current use of Mediafire (like any other file host) isn't guaranteed to last, so please don't assume files will stay around.
I'm pretty sure some of you have archived lots of videos, so please consider resharing your favorites somewhere, in particular d-addicts. Someone PM'd me on d-addicts a couple weeks ago and didn't realize this site existed. I don't have the space to archive most things so I generally can't satisfy requests to repost episodes.
Use Gamefront please. You won't need to cut the files to little pieces then.
ReplyDeleteyou could also give a try too. that way a file can be mirrored on multiple sites like filerio, zippyshare, share-online etc all in 1 go. is not bad too.
Use HJSplit to split files then upload them separately
Can you tell me what software you use to capture NHK stream ?
ReplyDeleteAfter 1 month, the August 8 Tokyo Eye & 2 Ogasawara Island episodes of Journeys in Japan is still active via EmbedUpload. EmbedUpload is good for uploading 1 GB file without any registration.