Monday, October 15, 2012

J-Melo - 2012/09/30

Sep. 30, Sun. 23:30 - 0:00 (UTC) etc.
J-MELO in Brazil Part1
Super-Con (Super Convention)
Japan Dance Music Adventure
Samba (Oizumi Carnival 2012)
Exclusive Comments
Lisa Ono, A (Ace)
Joe Inoue, Kylee
1. "Shangri-la" / A (Ace)
2. "Ipanema No Musume" (The Girl from Ipanema) / Lisa Ono

  Dropped video frames
    Found average frame timing of 33 ms
        Line     Duration (ms)    Time window
       34467          233         0:19:08.800 -> 0:19:09.033
       34468         3000         0:19:09.033 -> 0:19:12.033
       34469         3000         0:19:12.033 -> 0:19:15.033
       40437         2000         0:22:33.933 -> 0:22:35.933
       40438         3000         0:22:35.933 -> 0:22:38.933
       40439         3000         0:22:38.933 -> 0:22:41.933
       40440          900         0:22:41.933 -> 0:22:42.833
  Total frames: 49706

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part 1 of 1:

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I can't re-post files, sorry. The exception is files that are less than a day old. All mediafire links are broken forever. If you ask nicely and show that you tried but couldn't find the file elsewhere, someone may share it again.