Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Japan 7 Days - 2012/09/21

Sep. 21, Fri.

Side by Side

A territorial disagreement has recently added to the strain in relations between the governments of Japan and South Korea. But Korean culture continues to thrive in Tokyo's Shin-Okubo area. It's the part of town where many people from South Korea choose to locate, and it's a place where Japanese fans of South Korean entertainment congregate.

Japanese audiences started noticing South Korean TV dramas around 2003, turning some of the actors into well-known faces in Japan. K-POP music has come on strong too. Women in their 20s to 50s are some of the biggest fans of South Korean pop culture. They like congregating in Shin-Okubo. They say it feels like shopping in Seoul and is removed from politics.

The owner of one of the first Korean supermarkets in the area is a scholar turned grocer. He believed that food could be effective in reducing the distance between neighbors who feel far apart on other matters.

Other News:
- Chinese fishing boats enter waters near the Senkaku Islands as anti-Japan demonstrations spread across China.
- Japanese companies cope with the protests.

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