Wednesday, May 8, 2013

BEGIN Japanology - 2013/05/09 - Pine Trees

BEGIN Japanology

Program Info

BEGIN Japanology

Hosted by Peter Barakan

BEGIN Japanology

Thu. 0:30 - 1:00 (UTC) etc.

Hosted by Peter Barakan, this program explores many aspects of Japan, both traditional and contemporary: arts, sports, entertainment, food, technology, nature, etc.

Topics of the week:

May 9, Thu. 0:30 - 1:00 (UTC) etc.

Pine Trees

Pine trees grow all around Japan, and make essential contributions to the Japanese way of life.

From pine trees come gourmet matsutake mushrooms and fine calligraphy ink.
Since pines can grow in harsh conditions, they are frequently used as windbreaks for homes. Pine trees are also symbols of longevity and abundance. They are often called the "luckiest" tree in Japan.

Unfortunately, pine trees have recently come under attack from a damaging pest that eats away their resin ducts. The search for ways to protect the pines is going on in various parts of Japan.

In one city on Japan's northeastern coast, the tsunami that struck on March 11, 2011, swept away a historic pine grove...except for one single tree. This lone pine became a symbol of hope for the survivors of the disaster.

On this edition of BEGIN Japanology, our theme is pine trees. They provide a window on Japanese lifestyles and ideas of beauty.

Dropped video frames

Found average frame timing of 33 ms

Line Duration (ms) Time window
No missing frames

Total frames: 50399

This video has no dropped frames so has been marked as CFR by removing the timecodes. It will play on the PS3.

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part 1 of 1:


  1. Is there any possibility you have episodes of Barasu (sewing) it is broadbcast only on JIB and I cannot get that stream to capture. Another ep airs today as well.

  2. I suggest u try
    which is similar to go4up .com in that it uploads multiple sites for u, including mediafire.


I can't re-post files, sorry. The exception is files that are less than a day old. All mediafire links are broken forever. If you ask nicely and show that you tried but couldn't find the file elsewhere, someone may share it again.