Monday, May 13, 2013

The Mark of Beauty - 2012/12/20 - Sashimi

The Mark of Beauty / Archives

Program Info

Dec. 20, Thu.


Sashimi is one of the most familiar ways of preparing food in Japan. It's basically just sliced raw fish but the techniques emerged in the Heian Period, a thousand or more years ago, have been passed down and enhanced by specialists ever since. What is the essence of the sacred art of the cutting knife? How do the utensils generate an exquisite space so far from the everyday life? And what local sashimi aesthetics have grown up across Japan?

Sashimi is a fixture of Japanese cuisine.
The Japanese have refined the practices of eating raw fish.

The Japanese were already eating raw fish in the ancient capitals of Nara and Heian-kyo (present-day Kyoto). The cutting skills have been passed down since the Heian Period. It was a sacred task to cut the fish with the knife. This was the best food for serving to the gods.

Sashimi is an essential part of Japanese cuisine.
Today, our theme is the beauty of sashimi.

Dropped video frames

Found average frame timing of 33 ms

Line Duration (ms) Time window
No missing frames

Total frames: 52199

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  1. dl link is posted wrong so here you go

  2. Thanks for the correct link! =)


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