Thursday, May 16, 2013

BEGIN Japanology - 2013/05/16 - Parcel Delivery

BEGIN Japanology

Program Info

BEGIN Japanology

Hosted by Peter Barakan

BEGIN Japanology

Thu. 0:30 - 1:00 (UTC) etc.

Hosted by Peter Barakan, this program explores many aspects of Japan, both traditional and contemporary: arts, sports, entertainment, food, technology, nature, etc.

Topics of the week:

May 16, Thu. 0:30 - 1:00 (UTC) etc.

Parcel Delivery

Parcel delivery is a private-sector service that delivers small items to your door. First established in Japan, this business now handles 3.4 billion items a year.

The roots of the service can be traced back to a 1935 delivery service started by freight companies and what was then known as the Ministry of Railways.

Today, the 5 largest delivery companies have logistics centers in about 9,600 places across Japan. Book a parcel delivery by phone: they'll come to your door to pick the package up, then deliver it almost anywhere in Japan the next day.

One parcel delivery company has introduced a new service for senior citizens, combining shopping delivery and a check on the well-being of the buyer.

On this edition of BEGIN Japanology, our theme is parcel delivery. With its very precise delivery schedule and a detailed service menu, parcel delivery embodies some of the best aspects of business done the Japanese way.

Dropped video frames

Found average frame timing of 33 ms

Line Duration (ms) Time window
No missing frames

Total frames: 50399

This video has no dropped frames so has been marked as CFR by removing the timecodes. It will play on the PS3.

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part 1 of 1:


  1. Very much appreciated. Thank you!

  2. I can't thank you enough for all the wonderful work you do in sharing these shows. Thank you.

  3. It was a Fun Time but it isn´t any more.
    I don’t know why you choose this shitty GO4UP Webpage which is full of advertising and Downloadlinks for the iLivid Downloadmanger.
    Maybe you got a lot of Money from them ?
    Why not post direct links to or ? Is it because these pages won´t pay you any money ?

    Like I said in other posts, this shitty GO4UP gave me everything except a Downloadlink for the Videofile.
    I´m using Windows XP with Internet Explorer 8 and it works fine for me on every other Webpage.
    I don´t have the money to buy a new Computer with a new Operating System so that I can use Internet Explorer 9 or 10 and I don’t want to change the Browser on my current sytem because of one Webpage that didn´t work.

    So this is good bye, you lost one Fan.

    1. I don't get paid anything by anyone. It costs me time to capture, cut the video to the proper length, find the description, upload, and post each file. Repeat for each file, and the time adds up. I use go4up because it saves me precious time and it's convenient for people to use. I don't make money on any downloads, and I never have. There are also no ads or affiliate links on this blog, and there never will be.

      By the way, I mainly use Windows XP x64. My computer is 7 years old. But I use Firefox. Anyways, 2% of a few hundred users per day of this site use IE 8. Perhaps you're afraid to try a better browser but you'll have to take responsibility for your issue with go4up.


    2. Would you mind telling us how you capture the video? I'm sure there would be several of us willing to help you if we knew how.

    3. good riddance, uploaded is useless (randomly blocks the download), turbobit is even more so when it bans more than half the world from using it. IE8 wtf hell even with that, get a adblocker you doofus, also it is easy to decern the proper links if you look at what the page displays. Look at the status, the urls it links to should be a clue to which links are which.
      Protip: do not download downloaderd or exe files. Likely if you get these your clicking the wrong links. Remember 90% of these hosts are scammers and the whole point is exploitation. They are not there to give you free service.

      So get an adblocker, change brosers and shut your entitlement whine hole.

      On the topic of the hosts why are all the good ones vanishing over time and the list of hosts getting smaller and smaller? Not to sound like an entitlement asswipe but why is putlocker, megashares, zippyshare, and the like being removed for more exploity hosts?

    4. @ "lost fan"

      I have never had Any problems with downloading anything from this site. I use Chrome, previously I used Opera and everything was fine as well.

      to be honest, I was a bit curious why You haven't even bothered to check any other possibilities. So I thought that it would be a wise thing to do to try and download something via IE and You know what?

      Strangely, every download link, that I've just tried, works. 0_0

      I think that You should try few more options before throwing stones at Librarian who takes his time to do something for all of Us here.

      my advise: forget about IE - people use it for browsing for other browsers :P Use something else.

  4. the librarian rules!

  5. Some people tend to forget who is doing who a favor. Thanks for these latest uploads- it seems like you've been pretty busy! I asked a little while back if you could do the NHK Documentary videos. But at this rate it looks like you'll get to them eventually (I hope). Thanks again (and again) for doing this!

  6. @The Librarian
    You could always switch to Tishare which is like Mediafire only files do not get deleted easily. The only downside is that it allows only 150 MB files or smaller (but when you were using MF you could have uploaded only 50 MB more and you're compressing the file using WinRar anyway so you could as well split it to 2 files if it would be bigger than 150 MB - which rarely occurs). You also have only 10 GB per account but it's not a problem since there is no limit to the number of free accounts.

    Anyway, thanks for the work you're doing.

  7. Dear Librarian!

    I would like to thank You for Your effort! for every minute that You spend on preparing Your posts!

    You can't imagine how grateful I am.


  8. I would like to add my voice to the praise as well.

    Thank you again for all your hard work to bring us these wonderful shows!

    ありがとうございました! ^_^

  9. A good parcel system and delivery services can help us a lot. can help us a lot also


I can't re-post files, sorry. The exception is files that are less than a day old. All mediafire links are broken forever. If you ask nicely and show that you tried but couldn't find the file elsewhere, someone may share it again.