Sunday, May 5, 2013

Takeshi Art Beat - 2012/12/13 - Yoshindo Yoshihara - a swordsmith who forges blades

TAKESHI Art Beat / Archives

Program Info

Dec. 13, Thu.
Yoshindo Yoshihara - a swordsmith who forges blades

Yoshindo Yoshihara
Born into an old sword making family in Tokyo in 1943
Became the Cultural Affairs Agency's youngest accredited sword maker in 1965 at the age of 22
Won many awards starting with the Prince Takamatsu Award at the exhibition for new swords in 1972
Given the right to exhibit without prior screening from 1982
Yoshindo Yoshihara is a master sword maker with a global reputation. Takeshi visits the forge where Yoshihara still uses techniques that haven't changed in a thousand years. The sword making is a long, superhuman process of watching the changing color and listening to the bubbling of the steel, making keen use of all five senses while beating with the single hammer to produce the blade. Takeshi wields a sword to appreciate the ancient craft skills that Yoshihara has revived. Takeshi previously tried his hand at sword fighting in the film, Zatoichi, and now has a try at the art of producing temper patterns called hamon on the blade, seeking all the while to pinpoint the essence of the beauty of this craft that can only be mastered by those who possess the most intense concentration.


Yoshindo Yoshihara
It's amazing that applying clay like this will cause the steel to change when it's tempered. This takes a whole different aesthetic sense. Producing a sword pattern isn't like other art. You have to have an eye for beauty.
There is something spiritual in a Japanese sword. That's why it has to be forged by one man working on one sword for several days. It can't just be churned out by a factory-that's no good.

Dropped video frames

Found average frame timing of 33 ms

Line Duration (ms) Time window
No missing frames

Total frames: 50399

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part 1 of 1:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this. It's one of my favourite series.


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