Sunday, May 19, 2013

Itadakimasu - 2012/12/31 - Steaming Part2 Kabura-mushi

Itadakimasu! Dining with the chef / Archives

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Dec. 31, Mon.
Authentic Japanese Cooking
Steaming Part2: Kabura-mushi (Steamed Grated Turnip)
The ice formed on water, or a snowy winter scene.
The sweetness of the winter turnip is highlighted by grating it, and it is steamed into an attractive airy mound. Silvery ankake tastes of dashi, and it is accentuated with the heat of the wasabi. It is a very good balance in taste.
Kabura-mushi (Steamed Grated Turnip)

[Ingredients] *Serves 2
8 turnips (350g in total)
4 shrimps
1/2 lily bulb (edible kind)
1/4 pack shimeji mushrooms
1 piece of carrot 3cm long
1/2 bunch mitsuba
1 egg white
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp potato starch mixed with 2 tbsp water into a slurry
300 ml dashi
2tbsp mirin
1tbsp light thin color soy sauce (soy sauce)
Grated wasabi to taste


1. Peel the turnip and grate. Squeeze out about half of the moisture.
Devein the shrimps in the shell, with a bamboo skewer, then thread the skewer between the shell and flesh to keep each shrimp straight. Cook in boiling water and cool in cold water completely. Remove the shell and cut into 3 pieces.

2. Cut any browned parts off the lily bulb, peel the layers, and cut each layer in half. Blanch, bath in cold water and drain.
Divide the shimeji mushrooms into clumps, blanch, bath in cold water and drain.
Cut the edges of the carrot, cut into 2 mm thick slices, then cut the slices into sticks. Blanch the carrot sticks, bath in cold water and drain.
For the mitsuba, cut only the stems into 3cm lengths.

3. Whip the egg whites and mix in the salt.
Add the grated turnips into the whipped egg whites, fold, and lightly mix in the shrimp, mushrooms, lily bulb, mitsuba, and carrot.
Mound the mixture in a dish, and steam over high heat for 10 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, make the ankake, thickened dashi sauce. Combine the dashi with mirin, salt, soy sauce, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Thicken with the slurry of potato starch.
Pour the ankake sauce over the steamed turnips, and top with the grated wasabi. Done!

Steamed Sea Bream with Ponzu Sauce

[Ingredients] *Serves 2
2 fillets sea bream
1/4 (75g) bunch spinach
1/6 (60g) block tofu
2 pieces of kombu each 5 cm square
2 tbsp sake
2 spring onions
1 piece of daikon radish 5 cm long
Powdered chili pepper

Ponzu Soy Sauce
2 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp fruit vinegar
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp mirin


1. Make a cut on the skin side of the fish, bath, and rinse off the scales and bits.
Blanch the spinach, squeeze out excess water, and cut into 3 cm lengths.
Cut the tofu into 1 cm thick pieces.

2. Lay the kombu on the dish, and place the fish on top. Sprinkle with sake, and steam over high heat for 5 minutes.

3. Add the spinach and tofu, and cook another 5 mintues.
Add the spring onions and red-colored grated daikon radish.
Pour the ponzu sauce over the top... and the dish is done!

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part 1 of 1:

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