Saturday, May 11, 2013

Seasoning the Seasons - 2013/02/20 - Koreatown in Ikuno, Osaka

Seasoning the Seasons / Archives

Program Info

Feb. 20, Wed.
Koreatown: Ikuno, Osaka

Osaka's Ikuno district has one of Japan's largest Koreatowns - one in every five Ikuno residents is an ethnic Korean and the town is full of Korean delicacies, too. We visit an old barbeque restaurant renowned for its cooking smoke. We also have a look at extraordinary pork dishes handed down over the years, review the history which gave birth to this community, and follow a day in the life of an old woman who crossed the sea to Japan and has been making kimchi pickles for family and friends ever since. The people of this town exude a warmth which reaches across all ethnic barriers.

See the access map on the Ikuno Koreatown website: (Japanese only)

Dropped video frames

Found average frame timing of 33 ms

Line Duration (ms) Time window
No missing frames

Total frames: 50399

This video has no dropped frames so has been marked as CFR by removing the timecodes. It will play on the PS3.

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part 1 of 1:


  1. I´m asking again

    Which button I have to click at
    to download any of your the Movies ??

    I got a lot of advertising and if I click on any of the Buttons it leads me to a Download of a Downloadmanager - So where is the Dowload of the Movie ??

    Maybe this time it´s possible for you to give me a straight and clear answer !

    1. maybe this time you can shut up!

      it is something you may have to figure out without hand holding - i did and i'm an idiot. just be thankful that the keeper of this site donates his/her time & energy to upload the vids and post the links. stop making your subjective demands.

    2. Pick the ShareOnline option, it's totally straight forward with none of that Download Manager crap.

    3. Sorry, bur there is no "ShareOnline" Option ! - Just look to my post below

      It would be nice if the owner of this page could post some information

  2. bitshare works without a download manager. Just click "normal download". You might have to wait 100 seconds before being able to download but this is a very small price to pay.

  3. 1. I´m not stupid - I´ve been downloadling from the Internet for more than 15 years and I never had trouble finding a Download-Button

    2. On
    I find the following Buttons
    a) "Téléchargement Premium" - leads to a Download for iLivid Downloadmanager
    b) 2 Buttons "Download/Convert" - both lead to another Page (with a Video) with the Download for iLivid Downloadmanager
    c) A big "GO4UP" Button - leads to a Page where I can UPLOAD a file to GO4UP

    3. There is no "Normal Download"-Button ! So where is the Downloadbutton for the Video ?

    1. The site is something of a collector for the other direct-download sites - you can't download directly from the site (and don't be fooled by the ads, which occasionally show big flashy download buttons - they're all phishing). There's a table showing "Host", "Link" and "Download" headers - that's the list of sites which have the files. If you click the "Download" button, it'll take you to the listed site, where you can download the file. Most of them let you avoid downloading any scumware in the process, though you usually need to pay close attention to what the site is doing.

      I use them all, though I mentally blacklist any that are too pushy about installing scumware - it lets me avoid the "only one file per half hour" limitations that they all have. Anonymous above suggests ShareOnline - on my screen, that's the last option on the list, but I don't know if they're in the same order for you. It's there, either way.

      I know, it's a real pain, but hey - we get what we pay for.

    2. iLivid, incidentally, is one of the ones I ignore. Don't use that one.

  4. Hello Belthazar,

    yes there is a table with four columns.

    The Titel of the first column say "Host" the second "Link" the third "Download" and the last one has no Titel

    In the "Host" column it shows me "ilivid" "uploaded" and "" - but there are no Buttons you can click on

    In the "Link" column there is nothing

    In the "Download" and the column without a Titel behind "uploaded" it says "Failed", behind "ilivid" and "" the columns are empty. There is NO Downloadbutton to click on

    It looks like this (I hope this is shown right)

    Host + Link + Download + (Nothing)+
    ilivid + + + +
    uploaded + + Failed + Failed +
    ---------------+-------+----------+----------+ + + + +

    By the I tried different Hello Fun Time downloads on UP4GO an the problem is always´s the same.

    Maybe it´s my Internetbrowser (I´m using Internet Explorer 8). Is UP4GO optimised for Google Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 9 ?

    1. Well, IE pretty much sucks regardless of the version, so yeah, maybe try another browser.


I can't re-post files, sorry. The exception is files that are less than a day old. All mediafire links are broken forever. If you ask nicely and show that you tried but couldn't find the file elsewhere, someone may share it again.